Who does Florida’s Education Commissioner answer too?

Here is a hint; it’s not students, parents, teachers,
or even Rick Scott and the Florida legislature. Nope it answers to a higher
Power, dramatic pause, Jeb Bush.  

Kathleen Shanahan, Jeb Bush’s former chief of staff
asked incoming commissioner Pam Stewart who she reported to.

 From the Palm
beach Post:  Kathleen Shanahan, another
state board member who also once worked for Bush, wanted assurances that
Stewart "understands with full clarity who she reports to." http://www.theledger.com/article/20130917/NEWS/130919156/1005/NEWS02?p=2&tc=pg

Stewart acknowledged that she did know.

Jeb Bush, love him or hate him, and I am in the
latter camp, is still incredibly influential in Florida’s education system and
it’s him the board and commissioner answer to.  


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