Had a Master's Degree but Minimum Experience
Master's degree in hand and no work experience, preferably directly at a higher level or start at the basic level when applying for a job?
According to Prima Hayu Indrastuti, Experd consultant, graduate of master's degree does have knowledge, managerial knowledge, and analytical skills deeper than the graduates of the S-1. Do not worry if you have to start at the same point with the S-1 graduate.
Because, that sets it apart is the long career path to be traversed. Graduates S-2 has time career faster than S-1 graduate because more capital owned. Thus, they were expected to be through accelerated learning programs in the workplace.
Therefore, you should still start from the basic level to the companies that have accelerated program (management trainee).
By taking the course, you will learn more about the jobs, the environment, as well as work in a structured situation. You will be evaluated on a regular basis, and if you managed optimally, then your career will rise faster.
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