UPDATED! UW-Madison's Community Speaks Out on HR Design
Tuesday morning at 11 am, my colleagues and I initiated an online petition requesting that the Director of Human Resources at UW-Madison, Bob Lavigna, put his good intentions for revising the HR plan in writing before shared governance groups are asked to vote on the plan next week. Just one day later, we had 223 signatures and counting! Two days later we crossed the 300 mark. This includes dozens of faculty, including many prominent, senior members who know and love the place. Clearly, in this town people care about having information at hand and in writing before they're asked to vote. As Marcia Schiffman of the Department of Opthamology and Visual Science put it, "How can you make an informed decision either way without the actual proposal, changes and all, in front of you?" One of the best things about an online petition is that signers can leave comments, and as a sociologist I'm finding their words full of insights into how we struggle to make public...