Adam Gamoran is an exemplary education leader, Deborah Ball a fantastically original dean, and Bridget Long one of the most creative thinkers on higher ed policy. Bravo.
You know what Florida’s A-F grading system really shows? It shows teachers where not to work, who wants the extra stress and scrutiny especially since they will now be paid on how hungry kids without much family involvement mired in poverty do on a standardized test. And where the poor people live as the schools in those neighborhoods tend to get the worse grades. Utah has started picking up on this, from the Salt Lake Tribune: By PAUL ROLLY Now that the Utah Legislature-inspired school grading system has been exposed for the joke that it is and lawmakers are spinning, ducking and finger-pointing to avoid accountability for their own ineptitude, it’s time to debunk the myth that a similar system was adopted by Florida. Utah conservatives who have attacked public schools for years like to trot out former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whose initiative for school grading is credited for improving education. But they ignore other initiatives in that state that have done the same, including a...
There are times where no area how intelligent a student may be, and no matter how hard she or he might work, an institution subject shows to be too much to deal with. Whether the course is physics, algebra, a foreign language or anything else, in some cases you just need the type of assistance that somebody well versed in tutoring can offer. There are several advantages that a student can acquire from a tutoring professional. It offers pupils with a possibility to get additional knowing at the end of the school day. Because college lets out fairly early in the majority of instances, there is still a lot of time for additional education. He or she can provide added learning sessions so that students can when again go over material they could hot have fully realized previously in the day. They can also assist pupils get a running start on jobs that may be due in the near future. Teachers are incredible at exactly what they do, and work incredibly tough to respond to as lots...
Vermont's U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is a hero for speaking truth to power, something he has been doing his entire life, regardless of whether it's been politically popular. He's one of the few public officials who has entered the U.S. Senate chamber and not become co-opted by it. Now, I may be biased as a former Vermonter who watched his rise from third-party also-ran to mayor of Burlington to U.S. congressman to U.S. senator. Bernie is genuine, he is forthright, perhaps a bit holier than thou at times. He is the real deal. Check out his 13-minute speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate on November 30, 2010 providing a compelling and detailed analysis of historic economic inequality in America and the duplicity of Republicans talking woefully about the national debt and budget deficit one minute and pushing as their top priority tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires that would break the bank the next. Sanders is one of the few national leaders making any sense tod...
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