
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Importance of Education in Life

A teacher at the school says that thinking is education. Think, opened the door to our minds and make us accept the idea of ​​expanding our horizons and learn new things. But why is it important to learn new things? Why is it important to broaden our horizons? What is the importance of education? The answer to this question lies within us all. We consider education as a desirable commodity. If we see the great man speak, will be felt in the way they talk and think that they put forward. This is a natural reaction to bestow a feeling of awe and respect to them. Therefore, it is very easy to conclude that education leads to success. But that's not all. The importance of education in today's society runs deeper than just success in worldly terms. Education releases us from the bondage of our minds and force us to think and question a thing. It makes us aware of our rights in society. Thus giving us the strength to be enslaved, either by thought or action. Open mind Education makes...

Preparing Education Fund

Ideally, children's education fund has been planned and allocated since you and your partner are planning to have children. Too soon? Not really. Because the reality is, the cost of education is increasing every year looming. Especially if you plan to send children in school curricula and facilities "plus", an international standard, and then went on to study abroad. If you currently do not prioritize children's education funds may think could be delayed, because he was only two years-should the review. "Therefore, we want to equip children with the best education, and education costs more expensive," says financial planner Mike Rini Sutikno. So, let's count the cost and trick your toddler education fund. What costs? Admission fee. Paid only once when the child entered a stage of education, such as kindergartens, elementary, junior high, high school. Although only one-time, but the funds expended considerable. Could be a dozen to tens of millions, even h...

Main Reasons Why You Should Switch to E-book

1. E-book has made us to save space and time. The place where we store our book collection. Time being, we do not need to keep the books for fear must buy a new one when we lost books. 2. If we like to mark things that are important in the book but the fear of damaging or make a bad book because of graffiti, then the ebook reading device lets us mark the important things in the ebook without fear of making bad because of graffiti. 3. If a publisher sells a million copies with 250 pages per copy for a book title. That means the required 12,000 trees just to produce one of the titles alone (source: "How to Go Green: Books" by Cindy Katz and Jennifer Wilkov). That means we have a hand in the destruction of the environment, when reading a book. 4. If you feel the size of the letters in the e-book is too small, then the e-book reading devices allow us to altering the font size easily. So that there are no constraints due to the size of the letters. 5. With the e-book reading devic...

Advantages and Benefits Reading E-Book

E-book More Practical and Portable If you want to read e-books wherever you are, you simply turn on your electronic devices (be it a smartphone, tablet, or e-book reader). As long as you hold the electronic device, you can bring hundreds or even thousands of electronic books with ease. E-book is a digital book that does not require storage containers in physical form. E-book Green The textbook can spend a lot of trees that we need to maintain the balance of life on this earth. If all the trees cut down to make out the print book, of course, we ourselves will be losers. Instead, e-books do not require trees for digital bentukya. E-book can be copied as many times as you like just by clicking the "copy" in electronic devices. Meanwhile, the publisher takes hundreds of sheets of paper just to make one copy of the book. Durable E-book E-books are books that are durable or even eternal (everlasting). He will not be easily damaged with age. Unlike the printed book, more and more wi...

Learning with E-book

E-book or electronic book (or also digital book) is the evolution of the printed books we used to read everyday. Compared with its predecessor, the e-book offers a variety of benefits that help us gain knowledge and insight to add. E-books are electronic books that can be stored easily in our electronic devices. Memory capacity of 1 GB can even fit hundreds of e-books. If we have hundreds of printed books, we certainly need a bookcase big enough to store it. E-book is now more easily available and accessible. Moreover, for the purposes of education. E-books are books published in digital format contains text, images, which can be read memalui a computer or other digital devices. This e-book is usually the one alternative formats of printed books. There are many advantages of e-books that are not owned textbooks. Electronic books are part of a modern lifestyle that supported electronic devices. In the United States, the presence of the e-book shift the printed book.

Education System in United States (US)

Education in America In the early development of schooling in the United States began in colonial times. Schooling when it is elitist and religiously oriented. People who are in socio-economic layers below may only be educated in "school mom", which is a school that teaches reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. While people in the upper socio-economic layers prepared to be a church leader, community leader, or the leader of the country through the Latin school and colleges. In those days women did not have children in school-the freedom to manifest a form of gender discrimination that occurs in many countries that were colonized-(Dimyati, 1988). The American people managed to gain independence and formed the United States on July 4, 1776. The independence of climate change impact on the pattern of education in America. Elitist education changed. At this time the movement came the Public School which is open to all young white men and women. Public School was formed and ...

Characteristics of American Education

The United States is the third highest population in the world, totaling approximately 275 million people and consists of 50 states. It covers an area of ​​approximately 9.5 million square kilometers. United Nations consists of the nations of emigrants from various regions of the world, especially from Europe as the dominant part. Old immigration came from Northern and Western Europe such as England, Scotland, France, Holland, Germany and so on, followed by a young immigration from southern and eastern Europe such as Italy, Russia, Poland, Austria, Hungary and others. Each nation brings beliefs, customs, language and cultural aspects of each to the United States so that a melting pot for all kinds of native and immigrant cultures of the African continent. That shaped American culture now. Since most Americans came from European immigrants, it is certainly a growing tradition in American education is the educational tradition of European nations who are immigrating. In place of the Germ...

Time with Teachers-- or What I Did on my Summer Vacation

I am a tenured professor, and this is July of my first-ever sabbatical.  According to many critics of higher education, I am currently sunning my buns on the shores of Bermuda, sipping cocktails and snacking on brie while the taxpayers labor at home to pay my salary. On the contrary. I've just returned from a three-day trip to Indianapolis, where I joined more than 85 members of the Madison Metropolitan School District and the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County spending their unpaid time participating in AVID Summer Institute. Furthering their effort to get more students on track to college and career, these teachers and administrators spent their days actively focused on learning new pedagogical practices and acquiring new tools to bring home and put into place by fall. They are nothing short of remarkable. As we traveled to and from Indianapolis on a couple of big busses, sat in school team meetings around big conference tables, shared breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and wa...

Comments on "Racial Segregation Patterns in Selective Universities"

Peter Arcidiacono of Duke University has been publishing a steady stream of papers examining the role of race in college admissions, with a particular focus on the effects of affirmative action.  I've discussed his work on this blog before , and given the substantial attention that generated, I'm sharing thoughts on another relatively new piece. In the new paper , Peter and his colleagues suggest that friendships among students attending selective universities are no more likely to be interracial in composition than friendships in high school.  Of persistent racial segregation, they write: "This is particularly true for blacks where on average their share of friends who are of another race is no higher in college than in high school despite their colleges having a much smaller share of black students than their high schools. However, the extent of interracial friendships, both before and during college, vary significantly depending on academic preparedness. The percentage ...

Relevance of Education with the World of Work

Relevance is like a square peg in a round hole put. What happened? The peg will never fit into the hole because the shape is not appropriate. If we want to create acceptable peg round hole, we should adjust the wedge shape is round anyway. Conversely, when in fact it is a square hole, we do not have to make a round peg shape. Unfortunately 'the square peg in the round hole' this is what happens in our education. In addition to many majors or programs that are not relevant expertise to the world of work requires, the more concern is the irrelevance of the quality of education with employment requirements. Indications to see ketidakrelevansian between education and the real world of work can be seen easily by the layman. That is, by looking at the large number of unemployed intellectuals today. Whether we can fully blame the working world numbers are not comparable to the work force continues to rise each year? Perhaps, it's just one of the reasons! In fact, there are many jo...

Issue Relevance Of Education

This problem is related to the ratio between the graduates produced by the educational unit expected educational unit on it or indtitusi who need workers, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Relevance problem evident from the many graduates of the educational unit is not ready to be certain that the cognitive and technical skills to go on to the educational unit on it. Relevance problem can also be seen from the number of graduates from specific educational unit, the vocational schools and higher education that have not or are not even ready to work Importance of education as an activity that determines the quality of life of a person or nation has become an absolute necessity. Importance of education as an activity that determines the quality of life of a person or nation has become an absolute necessity. Therefore education should be done consciously through a deliberate well-planned and well-organized. All in order to achieve those objectives. Likewise with other targets include ...

Implementation Management System Education

Paradigm of the past management system implementation is identical to setting an activity related to the production or more widely known as the industrial society, but in line with the growing public awareness of the quality of an understanding of the process of the implementation of the management system is not only focused on the production of goods only , but also includes services. One of the services which is becoming an important and often needs to be a major concern is the field of education, both in the form of schools, training institutions and skills or even a college though will also create a product for every process therein. Educational institutions to create products that are highly intangible allow the space to pick the outcome variation is very high, because the inputs, processes and outputs involving multiple parties. In order to maintain consistency in the preparation, processing and finalization of educational outcomes, then the ISO as an international organization, ...

Countries With the Best Education in the World

Quality of a country can be seen from his education. For the country, education is an investment because in the end the people who run the government will come from the education system they created. So no wonder some countries are so serious in determining the country's education system. Facts prove that the developed countries must have a good education system. So even with the countries that used to be in good condition, began to rise in rank to gradually reorganize their educational systems. And, if so, which countries excel in the education system? Here are 5 Countries with the Best Education in the World : Finland . The education system in the country located at the tip of the European continent is very unique. Ranging from the free educational costs, the lack of uniform and UN, belonging to the learning atmosphere is relaxed and informal. Nevertheless, Finland became the best country in the world in terms of its educational system. The key, they just pick the best people to ...

Some Definitions of Education According to the Experts

Definition and Understanding Education According to the experts - Education is a deliberate conscious effort being made to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners can actively develop their potential to have a religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and also the skills necessary for himself and citizens. Of philosophy, education has been started when someone was born, starting from infancy and will continue to take place during its lifetime. Sometimes education is also considered to have occurred before birth, it is often the case when there are people who try to play music and reading to babies in the womb in the hope that the baby can get the teaching, although not yet born. Definition and Understanding Education According to the Experts To know the definition and understanding of scientific education, it is useful to listen to some expert opinion about the meaning of this Education: 1. According to J...

Definition of Education According to the Experts

Definition of Education - Education is a word we hear very familiar in everyday life, because education is an important activity undertaken by almost all irang of society. Education as something that is important is not independent of the number of opinions and assumptions about the meaning and definition of true education. In this article I intend to write the opinion of experts on education which of course will vary depending on each individual perception. This article will certainly open up our minds about how to address education. Understanding of education according to experts Definition of education according to Prof. Herman H. Horn education is a perennial process of adjustment is higher for the creatures that have evolved physically, mentally free and conscious of God as manifested in the environment, intellectual, emotional and willingness of humans. Definition of education according to M.J. Langeveld education is every interaction that happens is every association that occur...

Will the Campuses Crumble? A Dream of the Future involving Detroit, Mad Men, and Samuel Clemens

This post is authored by  R. Thomas, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. There’s a lot of talk these days about university reform, and coursing through it I see a beautiful and tragic dream of the future.   Dreams, of course, meld idiosyncratic images and mine blends Detroit, Mad Men, and the great speeches of Samuel Clemens.  We all know the story: Boosters of online education suggest that American higher education should rely upon a small group of superstar lecturers, computer-based grading systems and thousands of adjunct graders to deliver content to the masses. To benefit from economies of scale, some say we ought to have centralized national committees that decide what gets taught and who gets to teach it. Advocates claim online education will cut costs, improve educational outcomes, and bring higher education to underserved populations. Such efforts carry the excitement of novels for me. As in Mad Men , the details of work and visions of the ...

What Constitutes "Satisfactory Academic Progress" in the 21st Century?

I often receive email from students who've learned of my interest in the contemporary college experience and want to provide a window into their own.  Recently I heard from a man who initially enrolled at UW-Madison in 2007 and subsequently took an educational pathway that is increasingly normal.  His efforts to find ways to learn new things and make college affordable are notable, and he challenges us to think about the ways in which traditional forms of higher education align with today's students.  With his permission I'm sharing a letter he wrote, and at his request, I am identifying the author.  The following essay is by James Kasombo, who will be re-entering Madison this fall.  ' Our education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability .'             Upon graduating from high school in the top five percent of my class, being ushered into the university's honors program, and finding a who...