The Importance of Education in Life
A teacher at the school says that thinking is education. Think, opened the door to our minds and make us accept the idea of expanding our horizons and learn new things. But why is it important to learn new things? Why is it important to broaden our horizons? What is the importance of education? The answer to this question lies within us all. We consider education as a desirable commodity. If we see the great man speak, will be felt in the way they talk and think that they put forward. This is a natural reaction to bestow a feeling of awe and respect to them. Therefore, it is very easy to conclude that education leads to success. But that's not all. The importance of education in today's society runs deeper than just success in worldly terms. Education releases us from the bondage of our minds and force us to think and question a thing. It makes us aware of our rights in society. Thus giving us the strength to be enslaved, either by thought or action. Open mind Education makes...