
Showing posts from June, 2013

Relationships Technology and Education

One of the benefits of the technology are as a medium of education or learning. Yes, with the technology, education delivery system becomes more interesting. Concept learning systems with this technology we can meet at some amusement park or recreation area in Indonesia, one of which is in East Java Park 1 is located in the city of Malang. Here we can find a similar vehicle called the Science Centre Holiday Technology Chemistry & Biology. In this vehicle, there is a blend of science and technology with a variety of props available and can be directly used. There was also a vehicle or park Outdoor Physical Science Center is also presenting the physical sciences are packed with the latest technology. One of the props is enough to attract attention is the Van de Graff Generator. By touching the main cylinder Van de Graff generator, then the hair and feathers we will stand. How can that be? Van de Graff generator is composed of a metal dome, metal comb bottom and top, and a metal cylin...

Secular Education in the West

Abstract Education in Western countries (Europe, USA) often characterized as advanced education, because it is in the cycle an industrialized country. However, to understand the reality of education in there, some side should be highlighted. The first aspect is the issue of access vs. quality, which is directly related to the role of the state in therein. In many countries, access to equity efforts contradiction with the quality of education is often obtained. The second aspect is about the charge of education, both in side of life skills, including science and technology, and outlook on life. Clearly, the reality education in the West is actually not uniform and not easy to generalize. Reality Of the top 200 universities in the world were surveyed by Times magazine and published in November 2004, 62 universities in the U.S.. UK gets 2nd rank,followed by Germany, Australia, France, and so on. The  U.S. also ranks first seen from the maximum score obtained by campus. Calculated from...

Media Education Values

Sudjana and Rival (2007 : 2 ) describes the use of the medium of instruction in the teaching-learning process contains the following values ​​:   With demonstrations , the teacher can lay the foundations of the real to the students to think in order to reduce the occurrence of verbal on students ;   By using tools visual interest and attention of students can be improved ;   Through the use of teaching aids can be laid the basis for the development of learning so that the learning outcomes will be steady ;  using props can give real experience to students in learning ; using props can cultivate the mindset of a regular and continuous ;  the use of teaching media can help foster the development of students' language and thought , and teaching media use can provide experience to students who could not be obtained by other means , as well as help efficiency a more perfect experience .  ...

Teacher In The Digital Era

Education is a central human resource development, both the poor quality of education can not be separated from the responsibility of a teacher in the transfer of knowledge to the students as potential future generation. In the globalization era, teachers are required to be able to master ICT learning primarily in the manufacture of devices and media as a source of learning and it is unfortunate when developed countries have long used media technologies in learning, we are still teaching but in ways that conventional. Regulation on improving the competence of teachers in ICT mastery of the obvious, but there are still teachers who have not been able to use a computer let alone make the media in the form of macro media is still lacking.    1. WHAT TEACHERS MAKE MORE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION?   Teacher certification is a certification process for teacher educators. Teaching certificate is given to teachers who have met the professional standards of teachers. I...

Quality and Relevance of Education

Quality as well as quality and weight. So the implementation of quality education is education that can menghsilkan professionals according to the needs of the state and the nation at this time. While the relevant meaning relevant, mangait hooks, and directly useful. In line with the quality of education-education equalization process, improving the quality of education for all levels of schooling through well implemented. This quality improvement aimed at improving the quality of inputs and graduates, process, teachers, facilities and infrastructure, and the budget that is used to run education. The low quality and relevance of education is influenced by several factors. Are the most important factors affecting the quality of the learning process that has not been able to create a quality learning process.   Educational outcomes are also not supported by testing and assessment system institutionalized and independent, so that the quality of education can not be monit...

Efficiency and Effectiveness of Education

In accordance with the existing educational subject matter in addition to the target distribution of education and improving the quality of education, then there is one other issue that is deemed to be important in the implementation of education, the efficiency and effectiveness of education. Educational efficiency issues in terms of internal education. Mean efficiency is an objective in the field of education can be accomplished efficiently or efficiently. It means that education will be able to give good results with no waste of available resources, such as money, time, energy and so on. Efficient implementation of the educational process is an efficient use of resources such as time, effort and costs on target, with graduate education and optimal productivity.   At the time of this sekarng, implementation of education in Indonesia is far from efficient, where the utilization of all available resources to produce graduates who are not expected. Unemployment in Indon...

History of Higher Education in Indonesia

Colleges today have reached an established form and complete as a university, with the pillars of academic freedom and freedom of the pulpit of academic, scientific and management autonomy, has had a very long history. Embryo has emerged in Europe since about 400 BC, philosopher Plato initiated by the Park Academosnya in ancient Greek era. So it has been over 2000 years. In Indonesia, this history has not been too long. When the University of Gajah Mada (UGM, established on December 19, 1949) in Yogyakarta and Universitas Indonesia (UI, established February 2, 1950) in Jakarta is considered as the oldest college, then this new record are decades old, even though the embryo UI has been around since STOVIA ( Tot School Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen) in Batavia in the 1900s. In 1870, the Dutch government imposed the so-called Etische Politiek in the Dutch East Indies, which is a change in the attitude of the Dutch toward the colonies because they feel indebted to earth son w...

Reading For Education

INTEREST read so far to be one big problem for the Indonesian nation. Why not, when the Indonesian public interest in reading among the lowest in Asia. Indonesia only superior over Cambodia and Laos. In fact, the lower the reading habit, ignorance and poverty disease will progress and potentially threaten the existence of the nation. Worse yet, low interest in reading not only occur in the general population, in elementary, junior high, high school, even college students interest in reading was very low. This stands in stark contrast to the conditions in Japan. Nowadays of course we've seen how advances in science and technology development in Japan. All of that is because the Japanese government to prioritize the needs of the community reading material, especially school children and college students, so it is not surprising that libraries, especially on college campuses Japan, always crowded with students. Different from the conditions in Indonesia campus library, unive...

Mystery Behind Child Value Destroyed

Here's an article that focuses on children's learning patterns and problems. There are so many questions about it that appears on our website, regarding the child's learning problems. We will understand and learn about the psychological factors why children have problems with grades in school. Before we go any further interact, understand that the value or number (symbol) is not the only determinant of the future success of the child in the future. All experienced going to school while he many not be used later, so what would be the educational model used a child until he is mature and can be inherited? Yes, educate and instill character's success since its inception in character fields. Why would a child while studying at home can be, given the matter more difficult than in schools can, even at the time he was given a place les many exercises that can also, though more difficult because you can, but when the replay value suddenly ugly. Well if you have ever h...

The Importance of Teachers Using Humor in the Classroom

Sense of humor can be interpreted as an individual's cognitive response tendencies to evoke laughter, smiles, and excitement. Medical and psychological experts agree that a sense of humor is a valuable asset and it is important for the health and happiness of life, which can be owned by any normal individual. Medically, a sense of humor can help relieve the pain, and boost the immune system, and can even prolong life. Socio-psychological, sense of humor can help reduce stress and anxiety, facilitate social interaction, and can help better decision making in the midst of a difficult situation. Mitchell Ditkoff said that humor is one of the characteristics of innovative people. While, James C. Coleman said that evokes a sense of humor is one way to maintain a constructive emotion. In my view, the late Gus Dur, former president of us with "so wrote a scar bother" him, Prof. Moh. Surya, members of Council and former Chairman of PB PGRI with "their independence...