Relationships Technology and Education
One of the benefits of the technology are as a medium of education or learning. Yes, with the technology, education delivery system becomes more interesting. Concept learning systems with this technology we can meet at some amusement park or recreation area in Indonesia, one of which is in East Java Park 1 is located in the city of Malang. Here we can find a similar vehicle called the Science Centre Holiday Technology Chemistry & Biology. In this vehicle, there is a blend of science and technology with a variety of props available and can be directly used. There was also a vehicle or park Outdoor Physical Science Center is also presenting the physical sciences are packed with the latest technology. One of the props is enough to attract attention is the Van de Graff Generator. By touching the main cylinder Van de Graff generator, then the hair and feathers we will stand. How can that be? Van de Graff generator is composed of a metal dome, metal comb bottom and top, and a metal cylin...