Concrete Suggestions to Improve HR Design
This evening my colleague Bruce Thomadsen , professor of medical physics at UW-Madison, shared several concrete recommendations for improving the HR Design plan. I think highly of his suggestions, and thus with permission I am summarizing the most critical ones here: Affirm the continuation of genuine shared governance , a pillar of UW, in this plan. The language implies that employees will advise on the implementation of benefits programs, but this is far weaker than the current status of shared governance at our university. Decision-making must be shard. Amend the plan to clearly state that academic staff have the right to due process with respect to all University actions detrimental to their jobs. This is not currently clear, especially with regard to layoffs. Provide much more detail on the implementation of the layoff procedures. In particular, explain how the new system will increase, rather than decrease, job security. The plan says that hiring managers ...